{ "abstract" : "Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string", "author" : [ "Lee Semel ", "Peter Walsham", "Olaf Alders (current maintainer)" ], "dynamic_config" : 0, "generated_by" : "Dist::Zilla version 6.032, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010", "license" : [ "perl_5" ], "meta-spec" : { "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec", "version" : 2 }, "name" : "HTTP-BrowserDetect", "no_index" : { "directory" : [ "examples", "t", "xt" ] }, "prereqs" : { "configure" : { "requires" : { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0" }, "suggests" : { "JSON::PP" : "2.27300" } }, "develop" : { "recommends" : { "Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Git::VersionManager" : "0.007" }, "requires" : { "Code::TidyAll" : "0.71", "Code::TidyAll::Plugin::JSON" : "0.75", "Code::TidyAll::Plugin::SortLines::Naturally" : "0.000003", "Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Test::Vars" : "0.04", "Code::TidyAll::Plugin::UniqueLines" : "0.000003", "JSON::MaybeXS" : "1.004000", "Parallel::ForkManager" : 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