Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03004075500017500001750000000000001110425702500127505ustar phophoNet-DynamicDaemon-0.03/MANIFEST010064400017500001750000000003051110425702500141530ustar phophoChanges lib/Net/ Makefile.PL MANIFEST This list of files MANIFEST.SKIP README t/Net-DynamicDaemon.t META.yml Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker) Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/lib004075500017500001750000000000001110425702500135165ustar phophoNet-DynamicDaemon-0.03/lib/Net004075500017500001750000000000001110425702500142445ustar phophoNet-DynamicDaemon-0.03/lib/Net/DynamicDaemon.pm010064400017500001750000000334111110225230000173550ustar phophopackage Net::DynamicDaemon; use strict; use warnings; use UNIVERSAL qw(isa); use Carp qw(croak confess); use IO::Socket::INET; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; #use Smart::Comments; our $VERSION = '0.03'; # Net::DynamicDaemon->run({ # -pidfile => '/tmp/', # optional # -port => 80, # -min_procs => 2, # default: 1 # -max_procs => 10, # default: 100 # -on_request => sub { my $socket = shift; ... } # -max_requests => 100, # default: 0 # -no_fork => 0, # default: 0 # -on_idle => sub { } # optional # -idle_interval => 5, # default : 1 # }); sub run { my $class = shift; my $args = shift; if (!isa $args => 'HASH') { croak "Usage: " . __PACKAGE__ . "->run({ arguments... });"; } if (!defined $args->{-port}) { croak 'argument -port is required'; } elsif ($args->{-port} !~ m/^\d+$/) { croak "argument -port must be a non-negative integer: $args->{-port}"; } if (defined (my $min_procs = $args->{-min_procs})) { if ($min_procs !~ m/^\d+$/ || $min_procs == 0) { croak "argument -min_procs must be a natural number: $min_procs"; } } else { $args->{-min_procs} = 1; } if (defined (my $max_procs = $args->{-max_procs})) { if ($max_procs !~ m/\d+$/) { croak "argument -max_procs must be an integer: $max_procs"; } elsif ($max_procs < $args->{-min_procs}) { croak "argument -max_procs must be greater than or equal to -min_procs: $max_procs"; } } else { $args->{-max_procs} = 100; } if (!defined $args->{-on_request}) { croak 'argument -on_request is required'; } elsif (!isa $args->{-on_request} => 'CODE') { croak "argument -on_request must be a function: $args->{-on_request}"; } if (defined (my $max_requests = $args->{-max_requests})) { if ($max_requests !~ m/\d+$/) { croak "argument -max_requests must be a non-negative integer: $max_requests"; } } else { $args->{-max_requests} = 0; } if (defined $args->{-on_idle}) { if (!isa $args->{-on_idle} => 'CODE') { croak "argument -on_idle must be a function: $args->{-on_idle}"; } } if (defined (my $idle_interval = $args->{-idle_interval})) { if ($idle_interval !~ m/\d+$/ || $idle_interval == 0) { croak "argument -idle_interval must be a natural number: $idle_interval"; } } else { $args->{-idle_interval} = 1; } # write pid file if (defined (my $pidfile = $args->{-pidfile})) { _write_pid_file($pidfile); } # start listening my $socket = _listen($args->{-port}); # start parent loop if ($args->{-no_fork}) { _no_fork_loop({ -socket => $socket, -on_request => $args->{-on_request}, -on_idle => $args->{-on_idle}, -idle_interval => $args->{-idle_interval}, }); } else { _parent_loop({ -socket => $socket, -min_procs => $args->{-min_procs}, -max_procs => $args->{-max_procs}, -on_request => $args->{-on_request}, -on_idle => $args->{-on_idle}, -idle_interval => $args->{-idle_interval}, -max_requests => $args->{-max_requests}, }); } # unlink pid file if (defined (my $pidfile = $args->{-pidfile})) { unlink $pidfile; } } sub _write_pid_file { my $pidfile = shift; open my $fh, '>', $pidfile or confess "Failed to open file $pidfile to write: $!"; print {$fh} "$$\n"; close $fh; } sub _listen { my $port = shift; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM, Listen => 10, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or confess "Failed to start listening to $port/tcp: $!"; return $socket; } sub _no_fork_loop { my $args = shift; # shutdown flag my $shutdown_flag = 0; # idle process my $last_idle_processed_time = 0; # setup signal handlers my $shutdown_h = sub { $shutdown_flag = 1; }; local $SIG{QUIT} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{TERM} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{HUP} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{INT} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {}; local $SIG{CHLD} = sub {}; while (!$shutdown_flag) { # call the idle process if necessary if ( defined $args->{-on_idle} && time - $last_idle_processed_time >= $args->{-idle_interval} ) { eval { $args->{-on_idle}->(); }; if ($@) { print STDERR $@; } $last_idle_processed_time = time; } # wait for a request my $fh; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die}; alarm 1; # timeout accept $fh, $args->{-socket}; } or next; bless $fh => 'IO::Socket::INET'; alarm 0; # process the request eval { $args->{-on_request}->($fh); }; if ($@) { print STDERR $@; } } } my $busyness = 0; sub _parent_loop { my $args = shift; # busyness counter #my $busyness = 0; $busyness = 0; # To avoid a mysterious problem possibly related to # signal handlers... # shutdown flag my $shutdown_flag = 0; # info of children my $last_idle_process_spawned = 0; my $idle_pid; my @child_pids; # setup signal handlers my $shutdown_h = sub { $shutdown_flag = 1; }; local $SIG{QUIT} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{TERM} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{HUP} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{INT} = $shutdown_h; local $SIG{USR1} = sub { $busyness++; }; local $SIG{USR2} = sub { $busyness--; }; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {}; local $SIG{CHLD} = sub {}; while (!$shutdown_flag) { # spawn child processes as necessary _adjust_number_of_processes({ -child_pids => \@child_pids, -min_procs => $args->{-min_procs}, -max_procs => $args->{-max_procs}, -busyness => \$busyness, -socket => $args->{-socket}, -on_request => $args->{-on_request}, -max_requests => $args->{-max_requests}, }); # spawn the idle process if necessary if ( defined $args->{-on_idle} && (!defined $idle_pid || !kill 0, $idle_pid) && time - $last_idle_process_spawned >= $args->{-idle_interval} ) { $idle_pid = _spawn_idle_process($args->{-on_idle}); $last_idle_process_spawned = time; alarm $args->{-idle_interval}; } # wait for events sleep 1; # If we could block signals, this should just be "sleep;". my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); if ($pid != -1) { if (defined $idle_pid && $pid == $idle_pid) { # the idle process has exited $idle_pid = undef; } else { # one of a child has exited @child_pids = grep { $_ != $pid } @child_pids; } } } # going to shutdown... foreach my $pid (@child_pids) { kill 'QUIT', $pid; } if (defined $idle_pid) { kill 'QUIT', $idle_pid; } alarm(0); } sub _adjust_number_of_processes { my $args = shift; while ( @{$args->{-child_pids}} < $args->{-min_procs} || ( @{$args->{-child_pids}} < $args->{-max_procs} && @{$args->{-child_pids}} - ${$args->{-busyness}} <= 1 ) ) { # spawn new process push @{$args->{-child_pids}}, _spawn_process({ -socket => $args->{-socket}, -on_request => $args->{-on_request}, -max_requests => $args->{-max_requests}, }); } } sub _spawn_process { my $args = shift; my $parent_pid = $$; my $child_pid = fork; if (!defined $child_pid) { confess "Failed to fork: $!"; } elsif ($child_pid == 0) { # child _reset_sighandlers(); eval { _child_loop({ -parent_pid => $parent_pid, -socket => $args->{-socket}, -on_request => $args->{-on_request}, -max_requests => $args->{-max_requests}, }); }; print STDERR $@ if $@; exit; } else { # parent return $child_pid; } } sub _child_loop { my $args = shift; my $request_count = 0; while (1) { if ( $args->{-max_requests} != 0 && $request_count >= $args->{-max_requests} ) { # commit suicide last; } local $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE'; my $fh; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die}; alarm 60; # timeout accept $fh, $args->{-socket}; } or last; bless $fh => 'IO::Socket::INET'; alarm 0; # Tell the parent that a connection is accepted. kill 'USR1', $args->{-parent_pid} or confess "Fail to signal USR1 to the parent pid $args->{-parent_pid}: $!"; # Process the request. eval { $args->{-on_request}->($fh); }; my $err = $@; # Tell the parent that a request has been (ab)normally finished. kill 'USR2', $args->{-parent_pid} or confess "Fail to signal USR2 to the parent pid $args->{-parent_pid}: $!"; # Rethrow the exception if any exceptions were arised during the process. die $err if $err; $request_count++; } } sub _spawn_idle_process { my $on_idle = shift; my $pid = fork; if (!defined $pid) { confess "Failed to fork: $!"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { # child _reset_sighandlers(); eval { $on_idle->(); }; if ($@) { print STDERR $@; } exit; } else { # parent return $pid; } } sub _reset_sighandlers { foreach my $signame (qw(QUIT TERM HUP INT USR1 USR2 PIPE ALRM CHLD)) { $SIG{$signame} = 'DEFAULT'; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DynamicDaemon - library for multi-process daemons =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DynamicDaemon; Net::DynamicDaemon->run({ -pidfile => '', -port => 9900, -on_request => sub { my $fh = shift; my $line = <$fh>; print {$fh} $line; }, -on_idle => sub { print "idle\n"; }, }); =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::DynamicDaemon is a library for implementing multi-process server applications in a very simple way. The number of processes is automatically adjusted, just like FastCGI. =head2 C Net::DynamicDaemon->run({ -pidfile => '/tmp/', # optional -port => 80, # REQUIRED -min_procs => 2, # optional; defaults to 1 -max_procs => 10, # optional; defaults to 100 -on_request => sub { # REQUIRED my $socket = shift; ... }, -max_requests => 100, # optional; defaults to 100 -no_fork => 0, # optional; defaults to 0 -on_idle => sub { } # optional -idle_interval => 5, # optional; defaults to 1 }); Open and listen to a TCP socket until the process receives SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP or SIGINT. =over 4 =item B<-pidfile> If this option is present, a PID file will be created at the given location. The PID file will be automatically deleted when the daemon quits. =item B<-port> The TCP port to which the daemon listens. =item B<-min_procs> Minimum number of worker processes, which accepts connections and processes requests. The number of worker processes decreases down to this value as the number of incoming requests falls. See L<-max_procs> and L<-no_fork>. =item B<-max_procs> Maximum number of worker processes. The number of worker processes increases up to this value as the number of incoming requests raises. See L<-min_procs> and L<-no_fork>. =item B<-on_request> The request handler subroutine which takes one argument as an accepted socket (IO::Handle). The return value of the subroutine is ignored. The connection will be automatically closed after the end of execution of handler. =item B<-max_requests> Each of worker processes kills itself after processing the given number of requests, to minimise the fear of memory leaking. (You know, it is almost impossible to track the source of leaking memory in Perl. Do not waste your precious time.) =item B<-no_fork> Run the daemon in no-fork mode. In this mode, the daemon spawns no child processes, and processes each requests one by one. Use this option only for debugging and profiling of your daemons. The options L<-min_procs>, L<-max_procs> and L<-max_requests> are ignored with this option enabled. =item B<-on_idle> A subroutine which takes no arguments. It will be called periodically with the given interval. See L<-idle_interval>. =item B<-idle_interval> The interval of calling L<-on_idle> in seconds. =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007-2008 YMIRLINK Inc. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/MANIFEST.SKIP010064400017500001750000000001021110425666000147170ustar phopho~$ \.bak$ \.svn($|/) blib($|/) ^Makefile(\.old)?$ \.tar\.gz$ \.hg Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/t004075500017500001750000000000001110425702500132135ustar phophoNet-DynamicDaemon-0.03/t/Net-DynamicDaemon.t010064400017500001750000000007451110125456000167140ustar phopho# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Net-DynamicDaemon.t' ######################### # change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print'; use Test::More tests => 1; BEGIN { use_ok('Net::DynamicDaemon') }; ######################### # Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script. Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/Changes010064400017500001750000000005261110225246300143210ustar phophoRevision history for Perl extension Net::DynamicDaemon. 0.03 Thu Oct 30 15:31:31 2008 - fully wrote the documentation. 0.02 Tue Apr 01 15:17:08 2008 - on_idle handler should run before resetting signal handlers. 0.01 Tue Nov 13 11:31:21 2007 - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -A -X -n Net::DynamicDaemon Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/README010064400017500001750000000016571110177077000137210ustar phophoNet-DynamicDaemon version 0.01 ============================== The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information that should be provided before the module is installed. A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a good idea to provide version information here so that people can decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007-2008 YMIRLINK Inc. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/Makefile.PL010064400017500001750000000010621110225223200147660ustar phophouse 5.008003; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Net::DynamicDaemon', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Net/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'Ymirlink ') : ()), ); Net-DynamicDaemon-0.03/META.yml010064400017500001750000000006271110425702500143020ustar phopho--- #YAML:1.0 name: Net-DynamicDaemon version: 0.03 abstract: library for multi-process daemons license: ~ author: - Ymirlink generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.44 distribution_type: module requires: meta-spec: url: version: 1.3