Physics/Unit version 0.02 ========================= This tarball includes four modules: Physics::Unit Physics::Unit::Scalar Physics::Unit::ScalarSubtypes Physics::Unit::Vector Objects of class Physics::Unit define units of measurement that correspond to physical quantities. This module allows you to manipulate these units, generate new derived units from other units, and convert from one unit to another. Each unit is defined by a conversion factor and a dimensionality vector. Objects of type Physics::Scalar store physical quantities. Each instance of a class that derives from Physics::Scalar holds the value of some type of measurable quantity. When you use this module, several new classes are immediately available. See the Derived Classes section of the documentation for a complete list The module Physics::Unit::ScalarSubtypes defines several classes that derive from Physics::Unit::Scalar, each corresponding to a different physical quantity. Objects of class Physics::Unit::Vector hold vector quantities. This module is still in an embryonic stage. SEE ALSO The perldoc documentation for each of the above modules for more information. Also, there is perldoc for implementation notes in and Unit/ The examples in the eg/ directory. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module is pure Perl, and requires no other modules. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2003 Chris Maloney This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.