DESCRIPTION Apache::AuthCookieDBIRadius is a module that subclasses Apache::AuthCookie and is designed to be directly used for authentication in a mod_perl server. It allows you to authenticate against a DBI database -OR- your trusted NT domains via a Radius server using a login webpage via AuthCookie. It is a ticket-issuing system that looks up username/passwords in a DBI database using generic SQL and issues MD5-checksummed tickets valid for a configurable time period. Incoming requests with tickets are checksummed and expire-time checked. Upon failure, it then checks a Radius server for authentication. (You do not need to run a Radius server to use this. Actually, Radius authentication is commented out by default. Uncomment the Radius lines in if you intend to use this method along with a DBI database. Most won't be using this method. You'll need to get Radius authentication working first before using AuthCookieDBIRadius. See Apache-AuthenRadius, Authen::Radius and Included is a sample httpd.conf and for your review. AUTHCOOKIE Also included is a slightly customized based on AuthCookie 3.0. Replace with your existing for added customized error messages: # Please enter your username and password (default message). # Incorrect Password. # Incorrect Username (although some say this isn't a good idea, it can be easily changed to Incorrect Login for the password and username). # ERROR! Your session has expired, or your login does not have the proper access level for this webpage. # ERROR! Security error. Too many attempts (shared memory remembers how many times the user has failed to login, locking them out after X times). # Internal Server Error (usually from an error in the configuration. Error number will tell you exactly where you went wrong.) # ERROR! No Password Supplied. # ERROR! No Username Supplied. # ERROR! Password did not match. # ERROR! Authentication Failure (meaning DBI and Radius failed). Grab $TICKET from the %ENV: $TICKET = $ENV{TICKET} || $ENV{REDIRECT_TICKET}; @split = split(/:/, $TICKET); # userid:2000-10-04-09-50-14:2000-10-05-09-50-14:y:y:y:y:n:n:n:n:2852b07llladf # 0 = Username # 1 = issue date # 2 = expiration date # 3 = activeuser # 4 = a # 5 = b # 6 = c # 7 = d # 8 = e # 9 = f # 10 = g # 10 = key Now you can issue content based on the users access level. DEMO AuthCookieDBIRadius is currently in production at SEE ALSO perldoc Apache::AuthCookieDBIRadius Apache::AuthCookie Apache::AuthCookieDBI